StudyLink News
StudyLink News is a resource for education providers that delivers updates on initiatives and developments related to student support. This publication is no longer produced, but you can view copies of past StudyLink news below.
StudyLink News 2014
June 2014
This edition provides an update on changes announced in Budget 2014 including the addition of Source of Funding codes to VoS responses. It also includes information about enhancements to MyStudyLink, our approach to second semseter applications and reminders from the Helpline team.
April 2014
This edition includes a look at the mobile view of MyStudyLink now available to students and an introduction to the change to include Source of Funding codes in VoS responses.
StudyLink News 2013
December 2013
This edition includes information about improvements to StudyLink's online services and helpful advice on the ways to contact the StudyLink Helpline team and get the most out of the SAKBase tool.
October 2013
This edition provides an update on StudyLink's preparation for peak season and the changes announced in Budget 2013. It also includes an update from the StudyLink Helpline team, a reminder about accuracy of VoS information, and information about Foundation Focussed Training Opportunities.
June 2013
This edition talks about the changes regarding Student Allowances and Loans from Budget 2013, and an article from Inland Revenue about some of their Budget changes. There is also information about the Welfare Reforms and some resources that are available to education providers.
March 2013
This edition includes a photo of the Helpline team, information around Limited Full-time criteria, and updates from Inland Revenue and StudyLink on some changes from Budget 2012.
StudyLink News 2012
December 2012
This edition provides an update on the Budget changes from both 2011 and 2012 and some changes to the Limited Full-time criteria. There is some information around the best way to contact the Helpline, and an article about the importance of accurate VoS information.
August 2012
This edition talks about the changes to Student Allowances and Loans that were announced in the Budget 2012, as well as updates from the Helpline team.
April 2012
This edition talks about changes to the Student Loan Scheme Act 2011, updates on the Sussed programme targeted at school leavers and information about Status Reports